Tuesday, 9 March 2010

FINAL Video Idea..

After a lot of thought about incorporating filming in to our music video, we have decided not to. The reason for this is that the video has such a distinct look and feel to it, and we feel that video footage would not be suitable for our video and we would not be able to create the right feel for the video in film. We also think that having lip synch in the video would not look as effective as all animation would, and it wouldn't fit in the video. We feel that only using animation and not footage will evoke the true feeling of The Crookes. We have decided this as we have now started using Adobe Premiere and are getting more familiar with it, therefore finding more tools we can use and more interesting ways to portray The Crookes than we could with footage.

The final idea for the video is that we will tell a story through the pictures. The pictures we have collected are from my family album. They are mainly pictures of my great grandparents and grandparents. The video will be portrayed as a story. Trying to plan the story was difficult as we lacked inspiration slightly and didn't fully understand Premiere Pro, so we decided to get on with the beginning of the video and make these decisions as we went along. This proved to be the right thing to do as our inspiration flourished and the ideas came out as we went along, making it a lot easier to create the story.

These were our initial ideas for the video, but things did change as we created it:
The beginning will be the opening of the book and the story will then unravel. The story is a love story, how two young people fall in love. Obviously there are twists and turns in the relationships and even a split, but it all comes together in the end. Throughout the video, the audience will see how the relationship forms, develops and even briefly ends. The pictures do not need to be edited much as they are from the 1950's, the era we are trying to create, so are all black and white and have a old feel to them. Some photo's which need to be edited, such as cropped or moved around, will be done in Photoshop, then imported into Adobe Premiere. The book at the beginning will be filmed by ourselves, and edited in Premiere

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